Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
Tuesday, October 18
7:15 a.m. - Networking
7:30 a.m. - Breakfast Open
7:45 a.m. - Program Starts
No Charge for members
Contact Information
HEB Chamber of Commerce
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Carlo Capua to Keynote October 18 NLF Breakfast
City of Fort Worth Chief of Strategy and Innovation, Carlo Capua, will keynote our quarterly breakfast on Tuesday morning, October 18. His presentation, entitled “Innovation at City Hall: A Glimpse into the Future”, will share insights developed at the City of Fort Worth that are portable to other communities and into corporate life, as well.
Carlo has a diverse international background. After earning his BBA in Marketing and Japanese from TCU, he earned his Master of Education from Tecnologico de Monterrey. After spreading his entrepreneurial wings into restaurant management and ownership, home construction, and even creating his own company, The Meeting Squad - creating innovative meetings during the Covid pandemic, he returned to school.
Not just any school - Harvard, where he earned his Master of Liberal Arts and received the Dean’s List Academic Achievement Award. At the start of the pandemic, Carlo brought needed energy to the Rotary Club of Downtown Fort Worth with hybrid in-person/virtual meetings. He grew the club’s membership in a trying time.
He became Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Mattie Parker and the Fort Worth City Council in October 2021, and last month advanced to Chief of Strategy and Innovation.
You will definitely want to bring friends and business colleagues with you to see Carlo Capua in action on Tuesday morning, October 18, at 7:30 a.m. at the Hurst Conference Center.. Please arrive early to visit with him.
NLF Members, please join us on this date for our monthly membership breakfast.
We encourage NLF members to invite a guest/prospective member for this informative program.
Thank you to our meeting sponsor!