Date and Time
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Thursday, April 14
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Early Bird Members: $25 by 12 p.m. Thursday, April 7, $35 after.
Reservations not canceled by 12 p.m. the Thursday before the luncheon will be billed, no refunds.
Contact Information
Events Coordinator, Jennifer Jones
Send Email
Membership Luncheon April 2022
Membership luncheons are a great way to connect with other members and get updated information about what is happening in the Chamber.
Jeff Cockrell, certified Master Trainer with Dale Carnegie Training® of Dallas/Fort Worth.
Dale Carnegie is the world’s largest training organization specializing in developing skills within
the areas of leadership, communication and sales.

The Magic Minutes that Determine whether You Connect with a Prospect
Speaker Bio
→ Ranked in the top 1% of more than 2,700 Dale Carnegie instructors worldwide.
→ A highly sought-after trainer, he creates an environment that encourages the free flow of ideas driving towards results-oriented solutions.
→ Halliburton, Recaro, Brinks, GM Financial, and BT Furnishings are just a few of the companies that have benefitted from his expertise.
→ Founder of CoachingMasteryCommunity.com which helps coaches increase their impact by building coaching mastery and business mastery within a supportive community.
→ Launching VeteranAcademy.com to help veterans break the code on success in the civilian world and then equip them for that next mission.
Whether through in-person training or online, Jeff’s ability to coach leaders to more effectively unleash the creativity of their people has resulted in ideas and innovations worth tens of millions of bottom-line dollars to Dale Carnegie Training® of DFW client companies.
These ideas stem from Jeff’s ability to unleash the creativity and leadership abilities of his participants.
Jeff is a graduate of the University of Virginia, with 11 years active duty as a US Naval Officer leading organizations ranging from 8 to 1,900 people. Every command to which he was assigned won the Battle Efficiency award (essentially the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award for US Navy commands). His post Navy years have been spent leading organizations in the corporate world and 16 years delivering Dale Carnegie Training®.
Committed to honor and inspired guidance, Jeff is best at coaching leaders to develop skills needed to create an environment that influences their people to achieve their organization’s goals.
Market Tables
Market Tables are a great way to showcase your business for only $50
To reserve a table, please call the Chamber at 817-283-1521
Bring a Door Prize!
Who doesn't love having their name called out as a Door Prize winner?
If you'd like to give out a door prize at the luncheon just drop it off at registration!
Jeff Cockrell, certified Master Trainer with Dale Carnegie Training® of Dallas/Fort Worth.
Dale Carnegie is the world’s largest training organization specializing in developing skills within
the areas of leadership, communication and sales.

The Magic Minutes that Determine whether You Connect with a Prospect
Speaker Bio
→ Ranked in the top 1% of more than 2,700 Dale Carnegie instructors worldwide.
→ A highly sought-after trainer, he creates an environment that encourages the free flow of ideas driving towards results-oriented solutions.
→ Halliburton, Recaro, Brinks, GM Financial, and BT Furnishings are just a few of the companies that have benefitted from his expertise.
→ Founder of CoachingMasteryCommunity.com which helps coaches increase their impact by building coaching mastery and business mastery within a supportive community.
→ Launching VeteranAcademy.com to help veterans break the code on success in the civilian world and then equip them for that next mission.
Whether through in-person training or online, Jeff’s ability to coach leaders to more effectively unleash the creativity of their people has resulted in ideas and innovations worth tens of millions of bottom-line dollars to Dale Carnegie Training® of DFW client companies.
These ideas stem from Jeff’s ability to unleash the creativity and leadership abilities of his participants.
Jeff is a graduate of the University of Virginia, with 11 years active duty as a US Naval Officer leading organizations ranging from 8 to 1,900 people. Every command to which he was assigned won the Battle Efficiency award (essentially the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award for US Navy commands). His post Navy years have been spent leading organizations in the corporate world and 16 years delivering Dale Carnegie Training®.
Committed to honor and inspired guidance, Jeff is best at coaching leaders to develop skills needed to create an environment that influences their people to achieve their organization’s goals.
Market Tables
Market Tables are a great way to showcase your business for only $50
To reserve a table, please call the Chamber at 817-283-1521
Bring a Door Prize!
Who doesn't love having their name called out as a Door Prize winner?
If you'd like to give out a door prize at the luncheon just drop it off at registration!