Date and Time
Tuesday Aug 2, 2022
11:15 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, August 2
11:15 a.m.
Hawaiian Bros Island Grill
1495 Precinct Line Rd.
Hurst, 76053
No charge to attend
Lunch on your own
Contact Information
For questions or additional information please contact the Chamber at (817) 283-1521
Send Email

Join us this month at

Chamber Lunch Mobs are a great way to network while supporting local member restaurants.
Are you interested in hosting a Chamber Lunch Mob at your HEB eatery?
We'd love to support you!
Contact Communications Coordinator Lindsey Colorado for more information!
Lunch on your own, RSVP requested.

Chamber Lunch Mobs are a great way to network while supporting local member restaurants.
Are you interested in hosting a Chamber Lunch Mob at your HEB eatery?
We'd love to support you!
Contact Communications Coordinator Lindsey Colorado for more information!
Lunch on your own, RSVP requested.