Event Sponsors
Driving Range Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
Breakfast Sponsor
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Tiger Drive Sponsor
Sling Shot Sponsor
Dessert Sponsor
Tee/Green Sponsor
Goodie Bag Sponsor
Water Sponsor
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
7:30 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Thursday, April 21
Registration begin at 7:30 a.m.
Tee off at 8:30 a.m., Florida Scramble.
Contact Information
Email the the Chamber or call (817) 283-1521
Send Email
2022 HEB Chamber Golf Classic Tournament
Registration includes cart and green fees, and breakfast as well as lunch. An awards presentation following play and include contests for hole-in-ones, closest-to-the-pin, putting and more.
Trophies will be awarded for the first- and second-place teams in three flights.
Registration begin at 7:30 a.m.
Tee off at 8:30 a.m., Florida Scramble.
Purchase your Grand Prize Tickets for a chance to win an exciting Taste of Bluegrass Bourbon Getaway sponsored by M2 Plumbing & Drains!!
Upgrade your play with a SUPER TICKET!
Super Ticket includes:
Tiger Drive on #10 and #18
2 mulligans
2 additional door prize tickets
Get great visibility for your business by donating a Door Prize!
$1,200 Eagle Sponsor
4 Golfers
Business/Organization Logo on:
Promotional Material
Website Golf Page
Tournament Banner
$600 Birdie Sponsor
2 Golfers & Tee/Green Sponsor
Business/Organization Name on:
Promotional Material
Website Golf Page
Tournament Banner
Business/Organization Logo on:
Digital Signage on Tee/Green
$500 Beverage Cart Sponsor
Business/Organization Name on:
Promotional Material
Website Golf Page
Tournament Banner
Business/Organization Logo on:
Signage on Two Beverage Carts
Digital Signage on Golf Course
$275 Tee/Green Sponsor
Business/Organization Name on:
Website Golf Page
Digital Signage on Tee/Green
For an additional $50, hole sponsors can now choose if they would like to setup their marketing table at a specific hole on the course
OR if they would like to set up on the tee or green!
$125 Goodie Bag Sponsor
Business/Organization Name on:
Website Golf Page
Provide your business/organization marketing materials in the golfer goodie bags!
150 items due to the Chamber office by Monday, April 18.