Event Sponsors
Eagle Sponsor
Breakfast Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
Putting Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Hole-in-One Sponsor
Hole Sponsor
Goodie Bag Sponsor
Water Sponsor
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
7:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Thursday, April 22
Registration begin at 7 a.m.
Tee off at 8:00 a.m., Florida Scramble.
Contact Jennifer Klump if you would like more information about becoming a sponsor!
Contact Information
Email the Chamber office or call (817) 283-1521
Send Email
HEB Chamber Golf Classic 2021
The HEB Chamber's annual Golf Classic is an afternoon of fun and fellowship and a great opportunity for you to market your business as well. Registration includes cart and green fees, and breakfast as well as lunch. An awards presentation following play and include contests for hole-in-ones, closest-to-the-pin, putting and more. Trophies will be awarded for the first- and second-place teams in three flights. Door prizes are welcome.
Registration begin at 7 a.m.
Tee off at 8:00 a.m., Florida Scramble.
Click REGISTER button to view full registration cost list.
Purchase a Super Ticket and save yourself time before tee off!
Super Ticket includes Tiger Drive on #10 and #18, 2 mulligans and 2 additional door prize tickets; $125 per team or $35 per player
Be a Grand Prize Winner!
Purchase a chance to win and amazing grand prize!! Click HERE to find our more and purchase your tickets!
$1,200 Eagle Sponsors
4 player Team
Name on tournament banner
Name on all promotional materials
Name on Chamber in-house promotions
Name on Chamber website golf page
$600 Birdie Sponsors
2 Player Team & Hole Sponsor
Name on tournament banner
Name on all promotional materials
Name on Chamber in-house promotions
Digital signage on golf cart
Name on Chamber website golf page
$500 Beverage Cart Sponsors
Signage on two beverage carts
Name on tournament banner
Name on all promotional materials
Name on Chamber in-house promotions
Name on Chamber website golf page
$250 Hole Sponsor
Digital signage on golf cart at appropriate location
Name on Chamber website golf page
$100 Goodie Bag Sponsors
Business marketing materials in golfer goodie bags
Name on Chamber website golf page
Note: If you are a goodie bag sponsor, 144 items are due to the Chamber office by Friday, April 16.
Click the Registration Link or call the Chamber at (817) 283-1521.