Date and Time
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM CDT
Occurs every 4th Thursday of the month
Time: 12:15pm-1:30pm
Bedford Center YMCA
2801 Forest Ridge Drive
Bedford, Texas 76021
Contact Information
Tracy Peters
Send Email
AOA Senior Luncheon
Seniors enjoy a monthly luncheon with members of their community.
A restaurant provides the main course and seniors bring a side or dessert depending on the first letter of their last name. Event is free and you do not need to be members of the Y to attend the event. Members are encouraged to bring a friend!
A-L: Side
M-Z: Dessert
A restaurant provides the main course and seniors bring a side or dessert depending on the first letter of their last name. Event is free and you do not need to be members of the Y to attend the event. Members are encouraged to bring a friend!
A-L: Side
M-Z: Dessert