Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 8, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Thursday, June 8
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Texas Star Conference Center
1400 Texas Star Pkwy.
Euless, TX 76040
Early Bird Members: $25 by 12 p.m. Thursday, June 1, $35 after.
Reservations not canceled by 12 p.m. the Friday before the luncheon will be billed, no refunds.
Contact Information
Events Manager, Jennifer Jones
Send Email
Make your brand more visible by taking advantage of one of the great sponsorship opportunities available!
State of the District Sponsorship Descriptions
Presenting Sponsor
Logo on event page of Chamber website
Logo on all print and digital promotions
3 minutes for sponsor remarks during luncheon
8 tickets to the State of the District luncheon
Market table at the luncheon
Marketing materials on tables (literature and/or promotional items at each seat)
Meeting Sponsor
Logo on all print and digital promotions
8 tickets to the State of the District luncheon
2 minutes for sponsor remarks during luncheon
Marketing table at the luncheon
Marketing materials on tables (literature and/or promotional items at each seat)
Table Sponsors
Logo on all print and digital promotions
8 tickets to the State of the District luncheon
Marketing materials on tables (literature and/or promotional items at each seat)
Market Tables
Market Tables are a great way to showcase your business for only $50
To reserve a table, please call the Chamber at 817-283-1521
Bring a Door Prize!
Who doesn't love having their name called out as a Door Prize winner?
If you'd like to give out a door prize at the luncheon just drop it off at registration!
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Events Manager, Jennifer Jones for more information!