Frankie Burget, 2016 and 2019 Occupational Therapist of the Year, has been a National Board Certified Registered and Licensed Occupational Therapist with Lifetime Certification in the Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex for over 30 years. She is also a Licensed Massage Therapist and Instructor. Owner of Windsong Therapy and Wellness, Inc., in Bedford, TX, she is well-known in the medical community. She is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine and Pediatrics.
A graduate of Texas Women’s University, her unique accumulation of education in many fields of therapy enabled Frankie to develop a gentle hands-on method of treatment called Fascial Integrative Therapy™. It recognizes the importance of the Fascial and CranioSacral systems while considering all aspects of the body. This therapy utilizes specialized techniques to remove fascial restrictions and rebalance the CranioSacral rhythm to allow the body to heal.